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(English follows the Japanese below)






異文化コミュニケーションとは何かを理解する最も簡単な方法は、直美さんが最初のブログで述べたComPLUSのスローガンに集約されるでしょう。”Communication that moves people together.” 




日本のグループと仕事をする際には、英語でコミュニケーションをとるための文化的な考え方を理解してもらい、上記のようなギャップをマネージできるようにします。そして、正しい考え方を理解した上で、グローバルなビジネス環境でより効果的なコミュニケーターになるためのスキルを身につけてもらうようにしています。つまり、”Communication that moves people together “という意識とスキルを身につけてもらうのです。

外国人と接する際には、彼らの文化と日本での一般的なやり方との違いを理解してもらいます。そして、その違いを理解した上で、コミュニケーションのギャップを埋めるための最適な方法をアドバイスします。このようにして、”Communication that moves people together”への意識とスキルを高めていくのです。




What does an intercultural communication consultant do?

During my years as an intercultural communication instructor and consultant, people often ask me, “What exactly do you do?” I do my best to explain my line of work, with varying degrees of success. Some people get it, but unfortunately, many people don’t. It is not something that fits nicely into a traditional category of work.

Many years ago, on a trip to Canada to visit family, I was going through the immigration line at the Vancouver airport and the officer checking my passport asked me the usual questions: where did I travel from, why was I there, for how long, etc. Then came the question, “What line of work are you in?” I said that I was an intercultural communication trainer. The immigration officer looks up from my passport and with a smug look on her face says, “So you’re an English teacher.”


Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against English teachers. When I was living in Japan, I met some excellent teachers that are effective at helping people to develop their English. It’s just not what I do.

Probably the easiest way to understand what intercultural communication is, can be captured in the ComPLUS slogan that Naomi mentioned in her initial blog: “Communication that moves people together.” 

What this means is, we help people to recognize communication gaps that are caused by their own cultural assumptions, and advise them on how to manage the gaps that can negatively impact their business. Obviously, if the person you are trying to communicate with has a different expectation for how to communicate, this will lead to confusion or miscommunication among team members, and in the worst case, it can become a business cost.

For example, a cultural assumption that impacts communication is how direct you can be when speaking Japanese or English. Both cultures have a tendency for what is acceptable, but it is not always clear what that acceptable level of directness is. On one side, the intended message may not be received if it is not direct enough. On the other side, if the message is too direct, it can be considered rude or cause embarrassment.

Another example is interrupting to confirm information in a discussion. Is it okay to interrupt a discussion to confirm when you don’t understand? The cultural expectation for what is appropriate in these situations is often very different in a Japanese meeting, than compared to a business meeting in Canada. Because of this difference, Japanese people may come away from a global meeting not fully understanding the information that they need to do their job. On the other side, Canadians are likely to be completely unaware that the Japanese members are not following the discussion because they didn’t ask.

When working with Japanese groups, we help them understand the cultural mindset for communicating in English, so that they are able to manage the gaps mentioned above. Once they understand the right mindset, we then work with them to develop the skills that will help them become more effective communicators in a global business setting. In other words, we help them develop their awareness and skills for “Communication that moves people together.”

When working with non-Japanese, we help them to understand the difference in expectations between their culture and the way that things are commonly done, in Japan. Once they are aware of the differences, we give them advice on the best approach manage the gaps in communication with their Japanese counterparts. Again, we help them develop their awareness and skills so that they can engage in “Communication that moves people together.”

So, the next time you are wondering what an intercultural communication consultant does, please remember this blog! 


