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(English follows the Japanese below)










質問:When did Japanese people start eating eggs?

答え: From a long たまご…


Inclusive intercultural communication: humor (Part 1)

For this blog article, I want to write about something that can help you become better at doing small talk in English, which is common to all cultures around the world: humor. 

The problem with humor is that it usually does not translate well from one language to the next. Obviously, if you don’t understand the cultural context behind the joke, then it is just not funny.

After living in Japan for many years, I gradually developed my ability to understand humor in Japanese. Of course, my Japanese is not perfect but I gained enough cultural context that allowed me to be included in laughs being shared with Japanese friends and colleagues. 

One type of humor that I sometimes enjoy in both Japanese and English are ‘dad jokes.’ This kind of joke is usually a pun, or a one-liner. Dad jokes are called dad jokes because the instigator is usually the father in a family or someone old enough to be a father. 

Some dad jokes are better than others. Some of them are just silly and some are so bad that they will make you groan. The natural level of simplicity involved in creating dad jokes makes it an easy place to begin exploring humor across cultures. 

I sometimes play with cross-cultural dad jokes in Japanese and English. As a part of small talk with colleagues, we would often share the most recent dad jokes that we created either in Japanese or English, and sometimes would discover some dad jokes that are only funny if you have the ability to understand both languages.

One of my favorite dad jokes is something that a colleague shared with me a few years ago. She found it on a friend’s Facebook page, who shared it from another friend, so I am not able to credit the original creator of the joke. However, I thought that I would share it with you anyway, as a good example jokes that require both languages.

For those of you who have a good grasp of both English and Japanese, here it is:

Question: When did Japanese people start eating eggs?

Answer: From a long tamago…

Depending on your understanding of Japanese and English, and whether or not you like dad jokes, you may not find this joke to be funny. Of course, I don’t recommend using dad jokes when trying to make a good first impression, but if you have a good sense of timing to share a joke during small talk situations, you can share the enjoyment of playing with words across cultures. 

Inclusive Communication
