書籍『The Silent Language(邦題:沈黙のことば)』により異文化コミュニケーションという分野が生まれました。






The Silent Language was the book that began the field of intercultural communication.

Hall’s main focus of the book, non-verbal communication, introduced the concept of how verbal and non-verbal cues used in communication are heavily influenced by the individual’s base culture; referring to this cultural difference as low-context and high-context communication.

The book was originally written for the public, as a practical manual for how to navigate intercultural communication. However, due to the popularity of the book among academics and social scientists, it sold 505,000 copies in the 1960’s.

The book was also translated into six languages, including Japanese in 1966. Research on intercultural communication between U.S. American and Japanese interactions flourished in the following decades, as they grew to be the two leading economies in the world, during the 1970’s and 80’s.

Today, there are more studies of intercultural communication between these two national cultures, than any other two cultures in the world.

Before Hall’s work on intercultural communication, people in Japan tended to only focus on learning English as the way to “internationalize.”

In other words, if you are able to speak English, then you can be an effective communicator with non-Japanese.

The problem with this approach is that it ignores aspects of high-context communication, which deeply impacts how people in Japan use language and the non-verbal aspects when interacting with others.

Simply translating the words will not always give you the intended message. In fact, some deep cultural concepts that are highly valued in Japan do not exist in other cultures.

Because of this, understanding intercultural communication and the global communication skills to navigate such differences, is so important.