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(English follows the Japanese below)


「Laugh and the world laughs with you 」という表現を聞いたことがありますか?













Inclusive Communication 無料体験セミナー

HR Registration/人事の担当者のお申し込み

Inclusive intercultural communication: humor (Part 2)

Have you ever heard the expression, “Laugh and the world laughs with you?”

Because humor is universal to human communication, it is a great way to break the ice when trying to make a connection and create a sense of inclusion between people. It releases the tension of human interaction and creates a casual atmosphere when working in teams. If used appropriately, humor can be a natural tool for team building.

However, because of the need to understand the cultural context of humor in order for it to be well received, it can sometimes have the unintended effect of excluding some members in a global team.

For example, at the start of business meetings US Americans and Canadians will often make jokes during small talk in their own culture. 

In a global meeting, what often happens is that Japanese members end up being unintentionally excluded from the conversation if they are not able to understand. They usually blame themselves, think that their English is not good enough and that they need to study more.

While it may be the case that the Japanese members’ English level is not high enough, quite often it is because of a different culture context that they are not able to understand the humor.

During my time in Japan, I have seen when native English speakers have the best intention to make a connection with others by telling jokes and create a relaxed atmosphere, but Japanese people don’t have the necessary background to get it. 

Of course, this causes blank stares and strange silences, as Japanese people do their best to try and figure out what the native speaker is talking about.

What I have observed in such situations is that the best communicators will recognize when non-native English speakers do not have the cultural context to get a joke, and take the time to explain it. This requires awareness and effort to pay attention to the communication needs of their team members.

Naturally, if you have to explain a joke you will often lose the necessary timing that makes the joke funny. 

In my experience though, it is still possible to include everyone in having a laugh together, if you are able to rephrase the joke and explain any difficult cultural word play that is used. 

When the joke gets repeated later in conversation, the Japanese members are able to recognize it right away because someone took the time to include them. Because of this, the joke can be enjoyed by all and the positive intention of team building can occur.
